Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease caused due to allergy to gluten. It is also referred to as gluten sensitive enteropathy. The disorder usually occurs due to gluten present in cereals and other grains. It affects a lot of organs and therefore, has many associated symptoms.
If you are suffering from this digestive disorder, it means you cannot tolerate or digest gluten. If you do eat food containing gluten, it will trigger your immune system, which, in turn, will attack the lining of the small intestine. This will seriously affect the absorption of proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, folic acid, iron and calcium. In turn, you will suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiency; and there will not be sufficient vitamins and minerals to nourish the central nervous system, liver, bones and other organs of the body.
Some of the problems associated with celiac disease include anemia, fatigue, chronic diarrhea, stomach, cramps, weight loss, osteoporosis, pain in the bones and joints and damage to the nerves. In addition, there will be noticeable behavioral changes.
In order to tackle celiac disease, you need to make drastic changes to your diet. You can control many symptoms by ensuring that you eat gluten-free food. By doing this, you will give time to the small intestine to repair itself. Food that you can consume without fear include fruits, vegetables, meat, rice, beans, corn, potatoes and cereals that do not contain wheat, malt or barley. You can also eat bread and pasta made from corn flour, rice flour or potato. You can also have whole, skimmed or condensed milk, cream and yogurt. Just make sure that the yogurt is natural and not flavored.
When it comes to beverages and drinks, you can consume tea, coffee, mineral water and certain aerated drinks. Avoid root beer, saki, cognac, rum, vodka, gin, sherry, beer, and whisky.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kum_Martin